
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-20 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:北京大學(xué)


北京大學(xué)匯豐金融研究院研究生導(dǎo)師肖耿 正文

  肖 耿 博士
  ·China: Weathering the Storm and Learning the Lessons. Co-authored with a team including K. Krumm, C. Chu, J. Chen, W. Ding, P. Fallon, A. Keidel, and X. Liu. A World Bank Country Study. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1999.
  ·China Review 1999. Co-edited with C.C. Lau. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999.
  ·China’s Management of Enterprise Assets: The State As Shareholder. Co-authored with a team including H. Broadman, S. Claessens, D. Elsen, and J. Saba. A World Bank Country Study. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1997.
  ·The Chinese Economy: Study Units. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong, 1997.
  ·Non-Performing Debts in Chinese Enterprises: Patterns, Causes, and Implications for Banking Reform. Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), page 61-113, 4:3, 2006.
  ·Property Rights and “Original Sin”. Perspectives (USA, Overseas Young Chinese Forum), 6-17, Volume 6, No. 1, March 2005.
  ·Sustainable Growth. Far Eastern Economic Review (HK),  page 54-55, Vol. 168, No.2, Jan/Feb 2005.
  ·Comments (on 'Economic Growth and Employment Growth in China (1978-2001)' by Hu Angang). Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), No. 2, Volume 3, pp. 177-181, Spring/Summer 2004.
  ·Comments (on 'Financial Markets, Insitutions, and Integration in East Asia' by Gordon de Brouswer). Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), No.1, Volume 2, pp. 81-84, Winter 2003.
  ·Comments (on 'China's Non-Performing Loans and National Comprehensive Liability' by Fan Gang). Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), No.1, Volume 2, pp. 153-155, Winter 2003.
  ·Comments (on 'How do global credit rating agencies rate firms from developing countries?' by Ferri and Liu). Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), No. 3, Volume 3, pp.59-61, Fall 2003.
  ·Quality of Market and the Case for More Effective Delisting Mechanism. Coauthored with L. Li, D. Lai, K. Lau, and Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK),  Issue No. 48, pp. 21-32, Summer 2002.
  ·The liquidity of Hong Kong stocks: statistical patterns and implications. Co-authored with Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 46, pp. 1-15, Winter 2001.
  ·The influence of stock price level and volatility on turnover. Co-authored with Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 45, pp. 3-21, Autumn 2001.
  ·Hong Kong Strengths Meet China Opportunities. Coauthored with J. Lee, V. Wong, L. Kwong, K. Cheung, and Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 43, pp. 1-13, January-March, 2001.
  ·Deflation: time to change the medicine. China Economic Quarterly (HK), Volume 4, Issue 1, First Quarter, pp.43-45, 2000.
  ·Reforming the Governance Structure of China’s State Owned Enterprises. Public Administration and Development (UK), 18(3), pp. 273-280, 1998.
  ·Limiting China’s State Sector Liabilities. Asian Wall Street Journal (HK),  18 September 1997.
  ·Learning From Deutsche Bank’s Debacle in China. Asian Wall Street Journal (HK), 22 May 1996.
  ·A Hong Kong Dollar for China. The Far Eastern Economic Review (HK), 7 March 1996.
  ·Privatization or Inflation. Asian Wall Street Journal (HK), 15 November 1994.
  ·State Enterprises in China: Dealing with Loss-Makers. Transition (USA, World Bank), 2(11), pp. 1-3, December 1991.
  ·Managerial Autonomy, Fringe Benefits, and Ownership Structure: A Comparative Study of Chinese State and Collective Enterprises. China Economic Review (USA), 2(1), pp. 47-73, 1991.
  ·Global Capital Flows and the Position of China. Co-authored with Y.R. Cheong. 113-175, in China's Role in Asia and the World Economy: Fostering Stability and Growth, edited by Jan Joost Teunissen, The Hague: FONDAD, 2003.
  ·WTO and China’s Economic Transformation: Institutional Perspectives and Policy Options. Co-authored with Zhou Fang. China Review 2000, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 209-222, 2000.
  ·China in the Context of the Asian Financial Crisis. Co-authored with Z. Fang. China Review 1999, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 165-178, 1999.
  ·China’s Money and Banking in 1990s. PRC Political Economy: Prospect Under Jiang Zemin, edited by H.H. Wu. Taipei, Taiwan: The National Cheng Kung University and Mainland Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan of ROC, pp. 207-235, 1999.
  ·Financial Reform in China: Evolution, Theory, and Policy. International Financial Market in the North-East Asia: Assessment and Prospect, edited by S. W. Nam and H. K. Pyo. Seoul: Korea Development Institute and Seoul National University, pp. 129-156, 1994.
  ·The Engine of Growth and the Root of Inflation in the Chinese Economy. Co-authored with H. Gao. China Review 1994, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 9.1-9.21, 1994.
  ·Central-Local Relations from the Perspective of State and Non-State Industries. Reforms and the State Capacity: Changing Central-Local Relations in China, edited by H. Jia and Z. Lin. New York: Westview Press, pp. 135-152, 1994.
  ·Development in North East People’s Republic of China: An Analysis of Enterprise Performance 1995-2002. Co-authored with John Weiss. Asian Development Bank Institute Discussion Paper (Tokyo), No.34, September 2005.
  ·What Is Special about Enterprise Performance in North-East People's Republic of China? Dynamics of Privatization, Profitability and Productivity during the Reform Era. Asian Development Bank Institute Discussion Paper (Tokyo), No.28, June 2005.
  ·Does Competition Encourage Unethical Behavior? the Case of Corporate Profit Hiding in China. Co-authored with Hongbin Cai and Qiao Liu. Working Paper, No. 1126, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, May 2005.
  ·People's Republic of China's Round Tripping FDI: Scale, Causes and Implications. Asian Development Bank Institute Discussion Paper (Tokyo), No.7, July 2004.
  ·The Coincidence of Material Incentives and Moral Hazard in Chinese Enterprises. Co-authored with H. Broadman. Development Discussion Papers, No. 606, Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University, October 1997.
  ·The Nature of the State-Owned Enterprises and Their Reform: The Case of China’s Industrial Contract Responsibility System. Discussion Paper, No. 175, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong, September 1995.
  ·Non-State Enterprises as an Engine of Growth. Co-authored with I.J. Singh and D. Ratha. Discussion Paper, No. 157, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong, April 1994.
  ·What Is Special about China’s Economic Reforms? Research Paper Series, No. 23, Socialist Economies Reform Unit, The World Bank, November 1991.
  ·Property Rights Arrangements and Industrial Productivity in China. Research Paper Series, No. 21, Socialist Economies Reform Unit, The World Bank, September 1991.
  ·The Impact of Property Rights Structure on Productivity, Capital Allocation, and Labor Income in Chinese State and Collective Enterprises. Discussion Paper Series, No. 32, Program in Applied Econometrics, UCLA, October 1990.



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