
發(fā)布時間:2021-11-10 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


溫州大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院導(dǎo)師:趙才地 正文


  研究方向:偏微分方程 —非線性發(fā)展方程與無窮維動力系統(tǒng)

  已在國內(nèi)外數(shù)學(xué)雜志,如《J.Differential Equations》、《Nonlinearity》、《Quart.of Appl.Math.》、《Disc.Cont.Dyna.Syst.》、《 J.Math.Phy.》、《J. Evolution Equations》、《Inter.J.Bifur.Chaos》、《Math. Meth. In Appl. Sci.》、《Nonl.Anal.》、《Appl.Math.Lett.》,《J.Math.Anal.Appl.》、《J.Comp.Appl.Math.》、《Comm.Pure Appl.Anal.》、《數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)報》、《應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)報》、《數(shù)學(xué)物理學(xué)報》等上發(fā)表論文30余篇。對一類自治不可壓非牛頓流體力學(xué)方程組吸引子的存在性與正則性、某些格點動力系統(tǒng)及其性質(zhì)等方面取得較好研究結(jié)果。
  為國內(nèi)外若干雜志,如 《J.Math.Phys.》、《Disc.Cont.Dyna.Syst.》(Ser.A)、《E.J.Differential Equations》、《Nonl.Anal.》、《J.Comp.Appl.Math.》、《Appl.Math.Lett.》、《中國科學(xué)》、《數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)報》、《數(shù)學(xué)年刊》、《數(shù)學(xué)物理學(xué)報》等承擔(dān)一些審稿工作。2010.12-2011.1應(yīng)邀訪問美國南弗羅里達(dá)大學(xué),在其承辦的國際第七屆微分方程與動力系統(tǒng)會議上作半小時科研報告。


  社會兼職:美國數(shù)學(xué)會數(shù)學(xué)評論(Mathematical Reviews) 評論員,德國數(shù)學(xué)文摘評論員

  趙才地,周盛凡,浙江省高??蒲谐晒?三等獎 獲獎名稱:格點動力系統(tǒng)的漸近行為,2011
  趙才地,周盛凡,浙江省高??蒲谐晒?三等獎 獲獎名稱:非牛頓流方程組解的漸近行為的系列結(jié)果,2010
  趙才地,李用聲,周盛凡,浙江省首屆自然科學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)獎 二等獎 獲獎名稱:一類非牛頓流方程組軌道吸引子的正則性與整體吸引子的上半連續(xù)性,2010
  趙才地,溫州市自然科學(xué)優(yōu)秀論文獎 二等獎  獲獎名稱: 時滯不可壓非牛頓流方程組后拉吸引子的存在性與正則性 2012
  趙才地,溫州市自然科學(xué)優(yōu)秀論文獎 三等獎  獲獎名稱: 一類非牛頓流方程組的后拉吸引子 2010
  趙才地,溫州市自然科學(xué)優(yōu)秀論文獎 二等獎  獲獎名稱: 一類線性拋物方程的機(jī)械化求解 2008
  趙才地,浙江省自然科學(xué)優(yōu)秀論文獎 二等獎  獲獎名稱: 二維無界區(qū)域上一類非牛頓流方程組的一個注記,2007
  趙才地,浙江省自然科學(xué)優(yōu)秀論文獎 二等獎  獲獎名稱:一類非牛頓流方程組在二維無界區(qū)域上的H^2緊吸引子,2005

  1.趙才地,李靜,林瑞躍,連新澤,國家自然科學(xué)基金(青年基金),項目名稱:一類非牛頓流方程組解的漸近行為的若干問題(編號:10901121),金額:16. 00萬元,起止時間:2010.1-2012.12
  3.趙才地,李靜,連新澤,浙江省自然科學(xué)基金,項目名稱:非牛頓流方程組解的漸近行為研究(編號:Y6080077), 金額:8.00+5.00萬元,起止時間:2009.1-2010.12
  6.趙才地,李靜,安榮,溫州大學(xué)國家自然科學(xué)基金預(yù)研基金,項目名稱:數(shù)學(xué)物理中的若干隨機(jī)動力系統(tǒng)(編號:2008YYLQ01), 金額:5.00萬元,起止時間:2010.1-2.12.12
  7.趙才地,等,溫州大學(xué)學(xué)位與研究生教育教改項目,項目名稱:《實分析基礎(chǔ)教學(xué)改革與實踐》(編號:YJGYB201106), 金額:0.8萬元,起止時間:2012.1-2.13.12

  Caidi Zhao, Approximation of the incompressible non-Newtonian fluid equations by the artificial compressibility method, Math. Meth.in Appl. Sci., Accepted for publication.
  楊新波, 趙才地, 賈曉琳,自治耦合格點非線性 Schrodinger 方程組的一致吸引子及熵的估計,《數(shù)學(xué)物理學(xué)報》,錄用待發(fā)表.
  Yuncheng You, Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, The existence of uniform attractors for 3D Brinkman-Forhheimer equations, Disc. Cont. Dyna. Syst. (A), 32,2012,3787-3800.
  Caidi Zhao, Yuncheng You, Approximation of the incompressible convective Brinkman-Forchheimer equations, Journal of Evolution Equations, DOI: 10.1007/s00028-012-0153-3
  Xiaolin Jia, Caidi Zhao, Xinbo Yang, Global attractor and Kolmogorov entropy of three component reversible Gray–Scott model on infinite lattices, Appl. Math. Comp., 2012, 218, 9781-9789.
  Caidi Zhao, Jinqiao Duan, Upper semicontinuity of global attractor for Navier-Stokes equations, Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos, 2012,22(3), 1250046-1-7.
  趙才地, Navier-Stokes方程組的H^1一致吸引子, 《數(shù)學(xué)物理學(xué)報》(中文版),2011(31(5)A), 1416-1430 .
  Caidi Zhao, Xiaolin Jia, Xinbo Yang, Uniform attractor for nonautonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with a new class of external forces, Acta Mathematica Scientia(B),2011, 31(B)5,1803-1812.
  Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, Shengfan Zhou, Random attractor for incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with multiplicative noise,Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2011(31(B)2), 567-575 。
  趙才地,周盛凡,格點系統(tǒng)存在指數(shù)吸引子的充分條件與應(yīng)用,《數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)報》(中文版),2010(53), 233-242.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Upper semicontinuity of attractors for lattice systems under singular perturbations, Nonl.Anal., 2010(72), 2149-2158.
  Caidi Zhao, Jinqiao Duan, Random attractor for an Ladyzhenskaya model with additive noise, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,362(2010), 241-251.
  Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, Shengfan Zhou, Regularity of trajectory attractor and upper semicontinuity of global attractor for a 2D non-Newtonian fluid, Journal of Differential Equations, 247(2009), 2331-2363.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Weiming Wang, Compact kernel sections for lattice systems with delays, Nonl. Anal., 70(2009), 1330-1348.
  Caidi Zhaou, Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li,Existence and regularity of attractors for an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with delays, Quarterly of Appl. Math., 67(2009), 503-540.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Sufficient conditions for the existence of global random attractors for stochastic lattice dynamical systems and applications, J. Math.Anal.Appl., 354(2009), 78-95.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, Pullback trajectory attractors for evolution equations and application to 3D incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, Nonlinearity, 2008(21), 1691-1717.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Compact kernel sections of long-wave-short-wave resonance equations on infinite lattices,Nonl. Anal., 68(2008), 652-670.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Xinze Lian, H^1 -uniform attractor and asymptotic smoothing effect of solutions for a nonautonomous micropolar fluid flow in 2D unbounded domains,Nonl. Anal.:(Real World and Applications),9(2008), 608-627.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, Theorems about the attractor for incompressilbe non-Newtonian flow driven by external forces that are rapidly oscillating in time but have a smooth average, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 220(2008), 129-142.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Limit behavior of global attractors for the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation on infinite lattices, Applied Math. Lett., 21(2008),628-635.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou,Yongsheng Li, A note on nonautonomous Klein-Gordon-Schr\"odinger equations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, Acta Math. Scientia , 28(B)4(2008), 823-833.
  Shengfan Zhou, Caidi Zhao, Yejuan Wang, Finite dimensionality and upper semicontinuity of compact kernel sections of non-autonomous lattice systems, Disc. Cont. Dyna.Syst.(A), 21(2008), 1259-1277.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Uniform attractor for a two-dimensional nonautonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, Appl. Math. Comp., 201(2008), 688-700.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Compact uniform attractors for dissipative lattice dynamical systems with delays, Disc. Cont. Dyna. Syst.(A), 21(2008), 643-663.
  Shengfan Zhou, Caidi Zhao, Xinyuan Liao, Compact uniform attractor for dissipative non-autonomous lattice dynamical systems, Commu. Pure and Applied Analysis, 6(2007), 1087-1111.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Pullback attractors for a non-autonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, Journal of Differential Equations, 238(2007), 394-425.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan zhou, Attractors of retarded first order lattice systems, Nonlinearity, 20(2007), 1987-2006,
  Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou, L^2 -compact uniform attractors for a nonautonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with locally uniform integrable external forces in distribution space, J.Math. Phys., 48(2007), 032702-1-032702-12.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, Trajectory attractor and global attractor for a two-dimensional incompressible non-Newtonian fluid , J. Math. Anal. Appl., 325 (2007),1350–1362.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Compact kernel sections for nonautonomous Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations on infinite lattices, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 332(2007) 32-56.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Limit behavior of global attractors for lattice nonclassical parabolic equations, Appl. Math. Lett., 20(2007), 829-834.
  Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, Shengfan Zhou, Asymptotic smoothing effect of solutions to Davey Stewartson systems on the whole plane, Acta Math. Sinica, 23(2007), 2043-2060.
  Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Xinyuan Liao, Uniform attractors for nonautonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with locally uniform integrable external forces, J. Math. Phys., 47, 052701(1-13), 2006.
  Caidi Zhao, Algorithmization and mechanization to Cauchy problem of wave equation with linear damping and source term, Appl. Math. Comp., 173 (2006), 1-8.
  Caidi Zhao, Algorithm and mechanization to Cauchy problem of parabolic equation, Appl.Math.Comp., 2005(169),1038-1044.
  Caidi Zhao, Algorithmization formula and mechanization to Cauchy problem of high dimensional wave equation, Appl.Math.Comp., 167 (2005), 957-963.
  Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, A note on the asymptotic smoothing effect of solutions to a non-Newtonian system in 2-D unbounded domains, Nonl.Anal., 60 (2005), 475-483.
  Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, H^2-compact attractor for a non-Newtonian system in two dimensional unbounded domains, Nonl. Anal., 56(2004), 7:1091-1103.




溫州大學(xué)考研公眾號 考研派小站公眾號

